acehart | sound system |
Bungee Skunk | Video projector and computer with videos |
Dan Skunk | TV |
Xion | TV and NES |
Hustle Chumy | Xbox 360 |
Rax Zenova | PS3 |
ottofoxen | PS3, Xbox 360, Wii |
Shopping for food and drinks and baking supplies
collecting party room keys and parking passes
make sure garage key works
buying more food and supplies if needed, paper plates and
napkins, plastic cups maybe
check with restaurant about food
equipment being delivered and stored in the apartment
baking things for the meet
moving furniture in party room
Putting pop in fridge
10am to 12 pm - moving furniture and setting up equipment in
the party room
Setting up snacks in party room
midnight - tearing down equipment and packing it away or storing
it in the apartment for pick up later
Cleaning up and moving furniture back
Cleaning and putting things away if we still need to.